Focus on execution - not on the result.
Edit: The tweet has been deleted, unfortunately!
This is an interesting thread from the director of ‘The Usual Suspects’ (one of my all time favourite films) on how he became a film director. One particular tweet caught my attention.
“I’ve learned the secret to making movies is making movies - starting with little movies no one will ever see. The secret to knowledge is doing and failing - often and painfully - and letting everyone see.”
If you want to achieve or do something, the secret is just to start doing it. Of course, some level of planning will help too, but don't get too bogged down in the details too early.
In the case of goal setting, it's always possible to read another book on habit formation or something similar, but at some point, you just have to start. Develop a bias to action and you'll have a much better chance of succeeding.
I built an app to both plan out your goals and to encourage a bias towards action. In fact, I used these very concepts in developing the first version of the application. It's better to release something that isn't perfect - the Minimum Viable Product - and improve it as time goes on. It's amazing how much little improvements and tweaks add up over time!